Why Use Door Tablet
Every business will have its own reasons for seeing value in Door Tablet, depending upon the purposes and model that are particular to that business. Two factors that invariably feature across the professional, commercial and academic sectors are the related concerns of cost and efficiency.
Cost Savings
All rooms carry costs beyond simple building and maintenance: the heating and cooling, cleaning and servicing, furnishings and repairs – all of these to varying degrees being absorbed by a business whether the rooms are being used or not. The opportunity cost of under-utilised facilities can very quickly run into the thousands. Minimising losses is usually the primary driver in optimising utilisation.
The creators of Door Tablet are dedicated to more than just a room booking system that is easy to use; we appreciate that time is money and time lost is money lost. The whole process must reflect how people best use, and occasionally misuse, the meeting rooms at their disposal. As a result:
- Booking, of course, is easy: the procedures for securing a room are neither cumbersome nor time-consuming. No time is lost in applying for a room, searching for administrative assistance, or waiting for clearance;
- Flexibility in planning: Reflecting the specific needs of the client, all Door Tablet schedules accommodate a mixture of room types, from prime rooms that can only be booked in advance, to others that can be booked by anyone, and at the last minute if desired. Similarly, some can be booked centrally, or remotely, while others can be booked on the door;
- Flexibility in arrangements: timings and participant numbers can change and such alterations can be be accommodated quickly and easily;
- Automated cancellation: Rooms become free and are logged as such when an explicitly specified grace period has elapsed. This obviates any possibility of rooms remaining booked despite no-shows;
- Automated cancellation: If a room has been booked but is not actually being used within a designated period of time, it is logged as being vacant. It immediately becomes available to other users, so reducing cost and the frustration of no-shows.
- Facilitated catering: Whether planned in advance or ordered informally at the last minute, catering arrangements are enabled quickly and easily without the need to search for help or interrupt the meeting.
Efficiency is optimised in three other significant ways.
First, utilisation is measured automatically through the integration of Door Tablet with Google Universal Analytics. How a room is used, with data consolidated on business-critical measurements, enables the re-calibration of meeting room protocols based on actual behaviours and on the evolving needs of the business.
Second, experience with our clients shows that the commitment of a business to Door Tablet leads to favourable behavioural changes as managers and employees within the business acknowledge the cultural commitment to efficiency and professionalism. This applies especially where the installation of Door Tablet is followed by thoughtful analysis of utilisation data and a subsequent recalibration of meeting room protocols to reflect the precise requirements of the business.
In brief, and to varying degrees from business to business, meeting punctuality and the quality of meeting preparation improve. Meetings tend to run more smoothly. Team collaboration, productivity, and morale across the business are enhanced.
Finally, Door Tablet can provide qualitative support for the promotion of the business itself and, where this is relevant, of its brand. The presentation of Door Tablet enhances a vision of professionalism for both employees and visitors, while the slide shows can help convey the company's message in a distinct and effective way. Alongside all of its practical features, Door Tablet can work with your brand to help create an excellent lasting impression.