HCL Domino
Door Tablet runs on HCL Domino servers where the resource reservation database resides. Installation and administration is simple, particularly on Windows servers.
On other operating systems, including mini-computers or mainframe computers, administrators create the components manually from templates we provide. Updates are refreshed in the traditional Domino manner.
Installation and configuration
- Run our installer on the Domino server. This may be carried out while the server is running
- Execute a console command - load Door Tablet
- Sign the databases in the Door Tablet folder
- Start administering the system using either the Notes client or a web browser. Note that only the latest version of Internet Explorer may be used.
VIDEO: Door Tablet for HCL Domino
Important Note:
It is assumed that you have not modified the standard Resource Reservation database. If you have, please let us know so that we can ensure Door Tablet for HCL Domino works perfectly with your database.
For notes on installing the Door Tablet system on Linux see here.
Other Architectures
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