Door Tablet for Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 and Door Tablet
Door Tablet allows you to configure your entire system on the cloud for Microsoft 365 instances.
Click here for information about connecting to Microsoft 365
The Door Tablet server software runs on your own infrastructure, entirely under your control. You can ensure that only clients, including all Door Tablet end-points, from your own network can connect to the Door Tablet server software.
Microsoft 365 and Door Tablet Server on-premise
Door Tablet allows you to configure your system in a mixture of cloud and on-premise for Microsoft 365 instances. You opt for this configuration when the Door Tablet end-points are on your internal network.
VIDEO: Connecting to your own Microsoft 365
Click here for information about connecting to Microsoft 365
All Door Tablet functions are supported in this configuration. Ask your administrator to:
- Create App registration in your Microsoft 365 instance
- Provide you with app details which you insert to the Door Tablet server software
You can enable Door Tablet to read your rooms from Microsoft 365 and insert them to our system, automatically. For this you will need to ask your administrator to enable the Microsoft Graph Places API call. This is an easy task but still optional.
VIDEO: Connecting to your own server on your tablets
Easily create a Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams meeting when you book a room
Example of what it looks like in Microsoft Calendar
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