Circular Displays
These small displays are for huddle spaces, cosy corners, phone booths and desks. These use the sleek and elegant
Door Tablet CIR hardware. There are two display options, which the administrator can allocate and swap between.
Numerical (NU) layout

Envisioned for workspaces which accommodate two or more users at a time:
- huddle rooms
- small rooms
- larger booths / cubicles
It shows numerical countdowns in multiple directions:
- in red, for showing how long a space will be busy (reinforced by red crescent light)
- in green, showing for how long the space will available (reinforced by green crescent light)
CIR NU integrates with motion sensors allowing you to show that a workspace is in use by displaying a custom message (e.g. Do Not Disturb) and a blue crescent light.
It shows:
- time and date
- workspace name
- large numerical timer countdown (as above)
- free/busy status via crescent light
- defaults to showing workspace is free in green when workspace is not in use
It offers:
- check-in/check-out (via RFID or onscreen keyboard)
- immediate on device booking (via screen keyboard input or RFID) - it will ask for number of users (confirmed by RFID as needed) and the duration of use
Desk (DSK) layout

Envisioned for workspaces which have a single/solo user:
- hot-desk
- solo booth / cubicle
It makes hot-desking easy for the busy worker looking to drop in quickly, work for a time, and move on.
It shows:
- time and date
- workspace name
- name of the user (if booked in advance)
- time and duration of the booking (if booked in advance)
- free/busy status via crescent light
It offers:
- check-in/check-out (via RFID or onscreen keyboard)
- immediate on device booking (via RFID or onscreen keyboard)
CIR DSK integrates with a motion sensor to automatically show free/busy status on screen, reinforced by crescent light color.

Other Door Tablet Displays