Try the app instantly via a browser. For domestic tablets, download it from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Microsoft Store. Anonymousprnt::Y


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Getting Started

Using a browser

You can try the Door Tablet app right away using a browser. Click on the link below:

VIDEO: Using the Demo Server on a web browser

  1. Use your own site credentials
  2. To present the screen as if it on a tablet, resize it to 1280 x 800 (in Google Chrome you can use an Extension: Windows Resizer)...

Using a Tablet
  1. If using a domestic tablet, open the Apple App Store, Google Play or Microsoft Store. If you purchase Door Tablet professional hardware, the software is available from this website, in the Downloads section of the Dashboard.
  2. On the app store, search for "Door Tablet"
  3. Install the application on your tablet. The application is free and you can trial it for as long as necessary. After one hour of operation, a message will appear on the displays, indicating Evaluation Mode. Later, the server component and rooms require licenses.
  4. When using a tablet you will skip the site login stage.
VIDEO: Using the Demo Server on a tablet

Using the demo server
Once the app is installed you can connect to our demo server. This shows you how Door Tablet works without performing any other tasks. Be aware that other evaluators will be accessing the same server at the same time so their actions may affect you.
  1. Click on the yellow button to connect to the Demo Server
  2. Login using the password: 1234.
  3. You will now see the spaces on the Demo system
  4. Open a room by touching it
  5. Add ad-hoc reservations from the standard meeting space display
  6. Ask for assistance or report an issue with the meeting space
  7. Check the status of other meeting spaces by clicking on "Nearby"
  8. Look at Neighbourhood displays, which you can connect to large TVs in central locations. Exit the room display and from the Meeting Rooms list click on "Wayfinders", bottom left
  9. Continue to explore.
Further readings
  1. Database 'dt.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'Connect to Demo Server' for detailed instructions on how to connect to the demo server
  2. Database 'dt.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'Configure Neighborhoods' how to configure neighborhoods
  3. Database 'dt.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'System Setup' the system profile
  4. Database 'dt.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'Ad-hoc Reservation' how to make ad-hoc reservations
  5. Database 'dt.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'Request Assistance' how to request assistance
  6. Database 'dt.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'TV Display - Neighborhood Status' for Neighbourhood displays