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Complete and Test

To complete the configuration and test your set-up perform the following task:
  1. On the end point ensure you have the latest APK version
  2. Navigate to the room you intend to use on this display
  3. You should see the sensor set-up, as below
  4. Open the room and exit the room. This will bring the setup to the local device
  5. You are now ready to test the configuration

Showing the Controller Set-up:

Open the room and exit it. You are now ready to test your configuration. Scroll up and tap on Local Settings:

The local settings popup will show, with your IP and pair number showing:

When you perform the test the following takes place:
  1. The app connects to the LED and Sensor Controller
  2. It listens to movements in the room and shows it
  3. It cycle on LED colour changes: Green, Red and Off