User records allow tablet access via RFID or PIN. Users can self-register for approval or be added manually. External ID sources shouldn't import users. Anonymousprnt::Y


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User Records

The Door Tablet Web UI allows users to access the server in two ways:
  1. Full administrative rights
  2. Reservations Administrator

User records are also used for ID access from the tablets, when using RFID or PIN.

Access the user list through the Web UI dashboard (accessible to administrators only).
Note: When you use external ID Sources you should not import users into Door Tablet. For more information about ID Sources see here: Database 'Door Tablet HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'ID Sources'

Users can be self registered, in which case you can approve them (or not), or create them yourself.

A user record looks like this:

Note: Every time you access a user using the ID Source a shadow of that user gets automatically created here, allowing you to add roles and overrides. For more information about ID Sources see here: Database 'Door Tablet HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'ID Sources'