When you buy Door Tablet, you must install and distribute your license. This guide covers obtaining, activating spaces, and distributing the license. Anonymousprnt::Y


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When you purchase Door Tablet you need to install and distribute your license. Follow this process:
  1. Contact sales@door-tablet.com and obtain your license file, or use your account login to obtain the license yourself
  2. Open the license file, copy the code within and then paste it into your system profile
  3. Activate the meeting space/resource you wish to license. Deactivate resources you do not need otherwise these will consume your entitlement. If you forget to deactivate a meeting you can do this later
  4. Distribute your license to active meeting spaces/resources

VIDEO: Licensing Door Tablet

Note: Some Door Tablet features become available only when you purchase the Door Tablet Enterprise server. Please consult this page for a list of features: https://www.door-tablet.com/door-app/features

Note: When you renew your annual maintenance a new license will be issued to you. If you upgrade the software during that period remember to deploy your new license.

Mark resources for Licensing
In order for licenses to be implemented for your resources, you need to mark the resource. When working with Wayfinding displays, including interactive ones, create Settings records in order to request licensing, as shown below:

To install the license in Door Tablet use the Web UI. The Licensing page will open:

Click "Save License Data". Once saved, click on "Distribute Licenses".

Door Tablet will display the result of the action.

To see what is licensed you click on "List Licenses":

What happens if the software is not licensed
The Door Tablet end points will display a message on screen to show that the software has dropped into evaluation mode. This could happen in a number of conditions:

  1. Software upgraded without entitlement
  2. Service agreement has expired
  3. A device in an interactive way-finding displays is no longer licensed
  4. A temporary licence has expired
If your installation drops into evaluation mode and you have applied new licenses you will need to restart the end points

You can get rid of the evaluation message
The message appears one after the display starts. To get rid of the message restart the application, but remember it will appear again later.