Enhance office safety with Health Care Sensors. Monitor CO2 levels, improve air quality, and ensure staff comfort. Explore our comprehensive solution. Anonymousprnt::Y

Health Care Sensors; Building a safer office for your staff.

The unfortunate events of the last two years have placed the spotlight on issues largely unexplored in the past. With many people requesting safer offices for their return, businesses need to consider certain health-related adjustments to provide satisfactory protection. 80% of respondents to a recent study stated they would feel better about returning to the office if air quality is improved (See here).

Minimizing transmission of viruses:

Towards the end of 2021, the UK government announced that all Schools are to receive CO2 sensors throughout their buildings to help fight the spread of Covid19 (See here).

Our CO2 sensors offer improved protection in two main ways. Primarily, the sensor alerts staff when a certain level of CO2 is surpassed (In the UK, it is advised not to exceed a threshold of 1200ppm). Once alerted, staff can increase ventilation by opening windows or doors, or using air conditioning and air vents. This ensures that air circulation is constantly monitored and prevents rooms from being filled with stagnant air. The UK Government is urging employers to implement CO2 sensors throughout offices as well.
The second manner in which our CO2 sensors aid in providing protection, is by their graphs. The user can see on a graph where the levels were at throughout the day, and can see at which points CO2 was highest. This allows appropriate planning to provide organizational or architectural improvement accordingly.

Protecting your staff from every angle:

We have also developed an Internal Air Quality (IAQ) sensor. Numerous studies have identified the importance of measuring IAQ as deficiencies lead not only to decreased concentration and performance, but also to serious health issues like asthma (See here). 

We all know the common workplace debates regarding the temperature of an office. And we believe that it is a valuable part of intersocial bonding in the workplace which we have no intention of removing. Afterall, few things bring people closer together than having a common “enemy”, like that co-worker that keeps putting the heating on. However, Heat Stress and Thermal Comfort are two issues that should not be overlooked. They could have impactful ramifications, and are therefore worth measuring (See here and here). The body is negatively affected long before the extreme of collapsing from heat. By measuring temperature and staff responses, you are able to keep an eye on these issues as well. Additionally, with increased ventilation to prevent excessive levels of CO2, it is important to ensure no one freezes either. Both of our sensors measure temperature.

“Better safe than sorry”, goes the old maxim. Therefore we wanted to cover all bases. Both of our sensors measure humidity. Levels too low (under 20%) can cause harm to eyes and skin, and levels above 70% can lead to health hazards as excessive levels of surface condensation can breed mould (See here).

Our IAQ sensor calculates the Index Air Quality by measuring temperature, humidity and pressure (Not the stress related kind!). Air pressure can, as we know from the weather, affect some people negatively and lead to headaches and similar issues. 

We developed our CO2 sensors as an integral part of our Safe-Return-To-The-Office solution. We intend to assist businesses in providing appropriate protection where necessary or requested. To read more about our sensors please see here.

To see our Safe-Return-To-The-Office solution, please see here

To read more about our solution's room booking capabilities, see here.