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5A24CD4903B9EE75802587B500430B02Room App on TIZEN
From Version 10.3.3 of the Door Tablet App the software is again available for Samsung based devices using TIZEN. Door Tablet now offers a native TIZEN app you can install on your Samsung devices.
The most common Room Sign is the QB13R-T model:
Downloading the software
Login to the dashboard and head to the downloads area:
Please note that a Door Tablet app the runs on Tizen requires a pro licence.
However, the Door Tabler App for TIZEN may run all TIZEN devices with SSSP4. This is useful for large format wayfinding displays, both Interactive and Non-interactive.
Network Installation
Prepare the files
You may skip this step if you install the app from the Door Tablet public server. See the next section.
- Download the Door Tablet for TIZEN app from the Downloads area. The file name is DoorTablet-TIZEN-app.zip.
- Extract the contents of the to a folder on the Door Tablet server, bellow the HTML root folder, call it, say "tizen". The files you extract are: DoorTablet.wgt and sssp_config.xml
The HTML root folder will be in: <install-dir>/data/domino/html. We suggest you create a tizen folder within the html folder.
Install the app
On the Samsung device...
- Press the "Home" button on your TV remote control
- Select "URL Launcher Settings"
- Select "Install Web App"
- Insert URL to the directory you created above. This will be: <server-name>/tizen
- If the Door Tablet server uses a non-standard port remember to use it. For example: http://dt.mycorp.com:81/tizen
- If you install the app from the Door Tablet public server the URL is: https://door-tablet.com/tizen
- You may test that you can reach the files using a browser by adding the XML file to the URL, for example: https://door-tablet.com/tizen/sssp_config.xml
USB Installation
You may install the app using a USB drive. To do so, copy the above two files to the root of a USB stick, and insert it the the USB socket in the Samsung display. Restart the device to continue with the installation