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Exivo as ID source

Dormakaba Exivo may be used as ID Source when using the combination of Door Tablet hardware and Exivo. In order order to achieve this please note:
  1. Connection between Door Tablet and Exivo needs to be set up first. See here: Database 'Door Tablet HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'Dormakaba Exivo'
  2. The Door Tablet end point makes requests using the UID of your RFID cards. In Exivo these are known as UID mediums
  3. When scanning cards for the first time, a Medium will be created in Exivo. These mediums will need to be assigned to a user in Exivo before further use.

Present a card to a compatible Door Tablet AIO type end point:

At this point a Medium is created in Exivo....

You may now assign the Medium to a user...

You may now assign the card to the new user...

Once saved, further scans on the Door Tablet device will show this...