Integrate Door Tablet with any web server using D.T.S.I. protocol. Connect seamlessly to systems via HTTP calls, responding with JSON results. Simplify your integration process today! Anonymousprnt::Y

Door Tablet Standard Interface (D.T.S.I.)

Door Tablet will connect to any web server that implements responses as defined by the Door Tablet Standard Interface, known as D.T.S.I. This allows you to implement a connection to any system which can be accessed by a Web Server and respond with JSON formatted results. There are only four HTTP calls that need implementing in order for Door Tablet to fully integrate with your system.


You can implement DTSI fully (four calls) or read-only (two calls). We do not need to understand or ever see your system as long as it complies with the simple DTSI definitions. D.T.S.I. definitions and how to implement it


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