Public.Class Limited - Terms and Conditions. Review Public.Class Limited s Terms and understand our policies Anonymousprnt::Y

Public.Class Limited - Terms and Conditions


1. USE
You (an entity or a person) may use the following Public.Class software products (individually and collectively, "the Software"), in the quantity purchased, if you meet the following conditions. In addition, you may make one (1) archival copy of the Software.

Door Tablet for Windows and Door Tablet for Domino are licensed on a per server and room basis. Door Tablet for Domino requires that a licensed copy of Lotus Domino is installed on the Door Tablet server.

For the duration of this Agreement the Customer shall only use the Functionality in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement and the Service Agreement; for lawful purposes; in accordance with all applicable local, national and international laws, regulations and codes of conduct; and for the purposes for which they are designed. The Customer shall not do anything which violates any terms and conditions of this agreement or the Service Agreement;  make any misrepresentation including (without limitation); deceive, mislead, defraud or otherwise make misrepresentations to any person regarding any fact or circumstance; impersonate or attempt to impersonate or otherwise misrepresent its identity to any person for whatever purpose or create a false identity mobile phone address or header; change the content of communications received by it and thereafter forwarding same to others without indicating the nature of the changes; and forge or otherwise manipulate origination details and data on any electronic data with a view to disguising or deleting the origin of anything transmitted using the service; transmit anything (including ,without limitation, words and images) which is defamatory, discriminatory, obscene, lewd, offensive, threatening, abusive, harassing, harmful, hateful or which contains child or violent pornography, religious or racial slurs or threatens or encourages bodily harm or the like or which may violate any person’s rights regardless of whether such content is accessed, transmitted, propagated, distributed, created or stored in a public or private context; The customer will be responsible for all users of the software linked to the customer’s installation.

Except as expressly provided in Section 1, you may not alter, merge, modify or adapt the Software in any way including reverse engineering, disassembling or de-compiling. You may not sell, distribute, loan, rent, lease, license or otherwise transfer the Software or any copy; except, you may permanently transfer the Software (including all prior versions) provided you transfer the Software Agreement and all documentation and media and you do not retain any copies. If the Software is demonstration and evaluation ("D&E") software, you may not transfer the Software for commercial purposes. If you are using the Software in any country in the European Community, the prohibition against altering, merging, modifying or adapting the Software does not affect your rights under any legislation implementing the E.C. Council Directive on the Legal Protection of Computer Programs. If you seek interface information within the meaning of Article 6.1.b of that Directive, you should initially approach Public.Class. No attempts should be made to remove product marks from displays both in hardware and software.  These marks must be visible at all times. You may not repurpose any hardware that we provide to work with other software or versions of the software unless provided by us. Any upgrades for any software provided by Public.Class Limited may only be provided by Public.Class Limited, including applications, drivers and operating systems.

All intellectual property rights in the Software and user documentation are owned by Public.Class or its suppliers and are protected by applicable intellectual property laws (including patent, trademark and copyright laws) and international treaty provisions. Public.Class retains all rights not expressly granted. Product marks signify our rights to these and no attempts should be made to remove such marks from any product.  Marks must be visible at all times.

For ninety (90) days from your date of purchase, Public.Class warrants that:
(i) the Software will substantially conform to the applicable user documentation and (ii) that the media on which the Software is distributed and the user documentation (if any) are free from defects in materials and workmanship. Public.Class will, at its option, refund the amount you paid for the Software or provide you with corrected items at no charge provided that the defective item(s) is returned to Public.Class within ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. Any misuse or unauthorized modification of the Software will void this limited warranty. Except as specifically provided herein, Public.Class makes no warranty, representation, promise or guarantee, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the Software, user documentation or related technical support, including their quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

The warranty and remedies set forth herein are exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, express or implied. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Corporations may apply for an Escrow Agreement where our software source code will be deposited in escrow, at the client expense.  The service is offered to clients who have spent or intend to spend in the excess of GDB£20,000 or USA$30,000 during the first year of trade with the company.  The escrow triggers used are as practiced in the industry and include a variety of common trigger conditions.

When the service is provided, training and consultancy for the provisioning of the software will be included, again, at the client's expense.

Because software is inherently complex and may not be completely free of errors, it is your responsibility to verify your work and to make backup copies. In no event will Public.Class or any of its licensors be liable for indirect, special, incidental, tort, economic, cover or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use Public.Class (or any of its licensors') products or services, including, without limitation, damages or costs relating to the loss of profits, business, goodwill, data or computer programs, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In no case shall Public.Class or any its licensors' liability exceed the amount paid by you for the Software out of which such claim arose.

This limitation on monetary damages will not apply to claims relating to death or personal injury which arise out of products deemed to be consumer goods under applicable law. Some states, provinces and other jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion or limitation may not apply to you. However, in appropriate jurisdictions, Public.Class limits its liability, according to the terms of this Agreement, to the extent permissible at law.

Additional terms applicable only in Australia. Nothing in this Agreement operates to exclude, restrict or modify the application of any of the provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974 or any equivalent state or territory legislation, the exercise of a right conferred by such a provision, or any liability of Public.Class for a breach of a condition or warranty (including but not limited to a condition or warranty in relation to goods or services of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption) implied by such a provision. To the extent that it is able to do so, Public.Class expressly limits its liability for any breach of a condition or warranty under this Agreement or implied by virtue of any legislation to one of the following, the choice of which is to be at Public.Class's sole discretion: (i) the replacement of the Software or the supply of equivalent software; or (ii) the payment of the cost of replacing the Software or of acquiring equivalent software.

All products and services are provided on strict payment-before-delivery basis.  We may choose at our discretion to deliver a product prior to receipt of funds to our bank account. We do not accept payments by cheque or via credit or debit card. Payments can be made via Electronic Fun Transfer (EFT) or via third-party Internet merchants such as PayPal limited to a maximum of USD$1000 per transaction. We may accept partial payment from corporates in the UK or USA, at our discretion.
All transmission fees when using IBAN or via Internet merchants are wholly the responsibility of the payer. Clients are also wholly responsible for any import duties, VAT/local taxes, and agent commission or brokerage fees attendant upon delivery or installation of hardware on their premises. 

The Software and/or user documentation are provided with RESTRICTED AND LIMITED RIGHTS. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) Alternate III(g)(3) (June 1987), FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987), or DFARS 52.227-7013 (c)(1)(ii) (June 1988), as applicable.

Door Tablet licensing is based on a per server resource model.  A resource may be a room, a desk, a wayfinding display and so on. While on active license contract, the company shall provide software updates and technical support.  The following rules apply: 
  1. Upon purchasing the software, the first license issue date is fixed and thereafter be referenced as the "License Renewal Date" (LRD)
  2. Additional licenses purchases will be adjusted to the LRD
  3. License renewal lapses on LRD, unless renewed and paid. In the event that the licence has not been renewed, the software will revert to Evaluation Mode
  4. Charges apply to all licenses purchased 
  5. Installing software updates on a server which is not licensed will render the software inactive
  6. The License renewal date is always visible on your account record on, and when displaying the server status. If your server shows a different license renewal date, the one on your internet account prevails 
  7. The Door Tablet Support server sends three emails to invite clients to renew licenses. The last email (or 3rd) notifies you on automatic termination of licenses.  This happens on the LRD
  8. When using the Door Tablet professional hardware we offer, that hardware must have been purchased from Public.Class Limited to be fully activated.  Alternatively, an OEM License may be purchased.

No Public.Class dealer, distributor or agent is authorised to make any modification or addition to this Agreement.